SO, what do we do here at TBE??? What goes on in our offices???
(c)2003,2004 T.J.T.
Current Up and Coming Events:
RENEGADE CRAFT FAIRE new dates have been added for 2006!!! Wicker Park in Chicago. A MUST for all you D I Y ers
THE BLYNDE EYE (i) is the wayward home of our publishing house of HEDGEHOG PRESS.
HEDGEHOG PRESS is a bookseller/Bookbinders/Publisher/Distributor of self made literature IN HOUSE. HEDGEHOG PRESS (HGP) :
personally have browsed websites and found some interesting places/companies with similar names like Hedgehog Press...A punk
rock band...A artists gallery...a commune...and a SKA band...We are the BOOKBINDER/BOOKPUBLISH/DISTRO.
You should go check them out. If you are looking for those other sites.GOOD LUCK.