All cartoons and artwork by said artist is copy right by them and all rights are reserved...hey don't knock it, if it
were YOUR stuff, you would do the same thing too!
THE BLYNDE EYE (i) is the wayward home of our publishing house of HEDGEHOG PRESS.
HEDGEHOG PRESS is a bookseller/Bookbinders/Publisher/Distributor of self made literature IN HOUSE. HEDGEHOG PRESS (HGP) :
personally have browsed websites and found some interesting places/companies with similar names like Hedgehog Press...A punk
rock band...A artists gallery...a commune...and a SKA band...We are the BOOKBINDER/BOOKPUBLISH/DISTRO.
You should go check them out. If you are looking for those other sites.GOOD LUCK.
Have a nice day.